It's simple,  Create Awesome Stuff!

About FishCake

Hi there I’m Steve, I have been in the industry professionally since 2007, managing and executing entire projects, or if needed, hoping in as a freelancer helping out at studios in a generalist roll. The software I primarily work with is Autodesk Maya, photoshop, PreimerePro, AfterFX, VRay, Indesign, Illustrator and with basic knowledge of Arnold renderer. I'm a flexible, creative, enthusiastic, team player with an excellent grasp of the latest creative tools and proven problem-solving skills. I am an achievement-driven, responsible individual who is committed whole-heartedly to my work and driven by passion! It’s great to think, I enjoy what I do! and if there's something I dont know, I'll ask or find out how it's done and smash it!


It's all about loving what you do.

Pushing Limits

With every project, I push the limits, exceeding and expectations. 

Getting Shit done!

Well when it comes to the crunch, It's all about the result, We solve it together.



Taking your ideas and expectations,putting them down on paper, help evovle the concept.


Next, putting ideas together, in what could be the final result. Showing colours, textures and forms.


Now time to put all the ideas together and produce the magic!

Post production

Finally, putting all the love, sweat and tears together into the final product. Delivering beyond all expectations.



Show-casing a few still images.

Award Acknowledgments

It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it happens BIG! These are just some of the awards I've been part of, but also I have worked on many projects that have won awards at large film festivals around the world!

Cannes Lions Awards

for Coca Cola commercials.

Cannes Lions Awards

As a freelancer within a team we created a serials of commercials for Coca cola that won several awards.

Roy Films Awards

GE Capital Bank Commercial.

Roy Films Award

Worked within a small team (freelance for Naive), we produce a commercial for GE Capital bank that won a Roy award.

Red Dot Design Award

I produced the film to showcase a Design inovation that help win the award.

Red Dot Design Award

In a team were UX designers developed a new way in employee portals, I helped create the film to show-case this which won the award. we even had the chance to collect the award in Singapore!
